Conversation Starter

While you can learn about my work on LinkedIn here are some conversation starters and points of interest.

Tesla Model 3

I can talk for hours about ...

  • Startups and Entrepreneurship
  • Agile and ultra-flexible teams
  • How companies work
  • Explaining stuff in simple words.
  • How manufacturing and IT could go hand in hand.
  • Electrics Cars (I drive an Tesla…)
  • Planes and Spacecrafts
  • Architecture (Residental)
  • Sustainable Energy and Climate change
  • Retail / Future of Brick and Mortar stores
  • Why more people should code
  • The latest startup you didn't even hear about (yet)
  • Gaming Computers
  • Cameras.


I enjoy taking photograhps - mostly of people, moments and the local landscape - and use different cameras. The act of taking and editign the image excites me.

Mostly I'm shooting with Fuji cameras but I often sell and buy different gear.

What I use

Drop me a message and remind me to document my current homeoffice setup here.


Philipp Reiner 

empowers software teams, researches subscription business models and always thinks about tomorrow.